Як зробити трюк марадони

Також відомий як Зідан чи рулетку, Марадона футбол крок, який включає в себе швидко зупинити м`яч і спінінг ваше тіло, щоб поставити себе між м`ячем і зустрічного захисника. Названий по імені Аргентинський футбольний легенди Дієго Марадони, цей крок вважається досить просунутої технікою і може бути корисний в отриманні повз одного або декількох захисників на футбольному полі.


Метод 1 з 4: Learning the Positioning for the Maradona
Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 1
Keep your body low to the ground. By keeping your body low to the ground, you can move more nimbly and quickly. This will also help you maintain your balance throughout the move, and you will be ready to break into a run when you’ve completed the turn.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 2
    Tap the ball with the toe of your right foot. As a defender approaches you when you are dribbling the ball forward, tap the ball with the toe of one foot to stop the ball from moving.
  • Use the foot that is closest to the defender- for example, if the defender is approaching you on your right side, use your right foot to tap the ball. This move works equally well on both sides, although you might have more proficiency on your dominant side.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 3
    Spin around to the left about 90 degrees. Once you`ve tapped your foot on the ball to stop it from moving, spin around so that your back is facing the defender. This creates a barrier between the ball and the oncoming defender.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 4
    Bring your arms up to shield away the defender. While you are turning with the ball, keep your arms up so you force the defender to maintain physical distance away from you. If your arms are out a little bit, they will also help you keep your balance when you spin.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 5

    Відео: неможливо ТРЮКИ СО спиннер / ЗАСТАВА ЛІТАТИ спиннер

    Plant the right foot on the ground. As you complete the spin, take the foot off the top of the ball and plant it on the ground.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 6
    Spin another 90 degrees to the left. After you plant your right foot on the ground, continue spinning and lift up your left leg in preparation to put your left foot on top of the ball.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 7
    Place your left toe on top of the ball. When your right foot is planted firmly on the ground, put your left toe on top of the ball to redirect its movement.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 8

    Keep spinning another 180 degrees to the left. As your left foot is on top of the ball, continue to turn your body in a circle, completing another 180 degrees. You will end up facing the same direction as when you started the Maradona.
  • You can also stop spinning after you’ve done a total of 270 degrees so that you can redirect which way you travel with the ball.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 9
    Drag the ball behind you with your left foot. As you complete the second 180 degree turn, use your left foot to drag the ball, pulling it behind you.
  • If the defender keeps stealing the ball away, try pulling the ball further back so that it stays out of the defender’s reach. Make sure you are not just spinning on top of the ball while the ball remains stationary. The ball should move with you.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 10
    Accelerate as you come out of the spin. The Maradona will slow down your pace as you turn and deflect the defender from the ball. As you come out of the Maradona, speed up your pace and race past your opponent.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 11
    Keep the ball in control. With this move, take your time and make sure you are in control of the ball at all times. It is easy to lose control of the ball during the Maradona move because you are trying to move too fast. While pro players can do this move quickly and effectively, it is an advanced move and therefore more difficult to perfect for amateur players.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 12
    Do the move in one flowing movement. There are several parts to the Maradona, from tapping your foot on the ball to stepping away from it to dragging your other foot across the ball. But the most effective Maradona moves will put this all into one smooth motion. It will take a lot of practice to hone your skills, however, so be patient and keep working at it.
  • Метод 2 з 4: Practicing Your Balance with the Ball
    Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 13

    Відео: Один день Дієго Марадони в Москві

    Practice balancing your foot on the ball. Place the toe of one foot on top of the ball. Make sure your body weight is resting with your back leg. Balance your foot lightly and keep the ball still.
    • Switch feet so that your other foot can rest lightly on top of the ball. This is especially important to alternate feet, since many people have a dominant foot or leg that they will favor. Practice your balance for both feet.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 14
    Balance with one foot and hop with the other. Once you’re able to balance with one toe resting on the top of the ball, start doing little hops with your other foot. Keep your foot resting lightly on top of the ball while you hop.
  • Hop 10 times and then switch legs and try the exercise again.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 15
    Place alternating feet on the top of the ball. Lightly rest the toe of one foot on top of the ball. Remove this foot and put the toe of the other foot on top of the ball. As you get the hang of it, switch your feet at a quicker speed. The goal is to move quickly so that only one foot is on the ground at a time and you’ll add a little hop to switch feet back and forth.
  • Метод 3 з 4: Practicing the Maradona

    Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 16
    Set up three cones for practice exercises. Place three cones in a V shape about 5 yards apart from each other. This will give you plenty of space to work up a ball dribble and set up the Maradona move.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 17
    Practice the move without using a ball. The first step to perfecting the Maradona is to get your body accustomed to the movement and spin. Start at the first cone and pretend to dribble a ball toward an imaginary defender at the second cone. When you want to start the Maradona, tap the ground with your dominant foot, turn, and step that foot in between you and the defender. Tap your other foot on the ground and spin to complete the Maradona, heading for the third cone.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 18
    Practice the Maradona with the ball. Start at the first cone and dribble the ball toward the second cone. Imagine the second cone is a defender and do the Maradona. Dribble the ball to the third cone and back to the first cone.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 19
    Practice the Maradona with another player. Working with another person is much different than using a cone to imagine the position of a defender. Have the other player stand still while you approach, do the Maradona, and accelerate away.
  • Ask the other player to start moving around, running toward you at an angle or from the side. Have them try to steal the ball away from you.
  • Метод 4 з 4: Knowing When to Use the Maradona
    Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 20
    Use when a defender approaches you from an angle or side. When a defender is coming toward you to steal the ball, you can use the Maradona to quickly change direction. This move works best when a defender is coming at you from an angle or from the side.
    • Tap the ball with the foot closest to the defender and then place that foot in between the ball and the defender.
    • Turn your body so that you are in between the ball and the defender. Drag the ball with your other foot and spin around, continuing to move the ball away from the defender.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 21
    Use the Maradona when the defender is in motion. The Maradona will redirect the movement of the ball, so if a defender is already in motion, they are expecting the ball to travel in a particular direction. When you redirect the ball, there is a delay while the defender corrects their movement.
  • Зображення з назвою Do the Maradona Step 22
    Do not do this move in the defensive part of the field. When you are close to your team’s goal (the goal protected by your goalkeeper), you don’t want to risk the ball being picked up by the other team. If you are an expert at the Maradona, you can probably ensure that the ball won’t be stolen away from you during this move. But if you are still learning the move, it’s best kept for moving the ball past a defender on your approach to the goal.
  • попередження

    • This move can be tricky and you may trip over the ball when attempting it. Make sure your practice area is clear of objects that could get in your way.

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